Designing a Sustainable Glamping Resort in Costa Rica

ourea resort main building design
Main building Front view

My clients approached me with an exciting project – to design a Glamping Resort in the stunning mountains near Los Santos, Costa Rica. As an architect, I was immediately captivated by the breathtaking site, the most beautiful I’ve ever laid eyes on.

aerial photo of site
Site's aerial view
Ourea site view photo
Site's aerial view

As an architect, when approaching any project, the first thing I consider is the site itself. Each location is unique and requires a thoughtful design that not only enhances its natural beauty, but also complements it in a way that is beneficial for both humans and the environment. This is where sustainable design comes into play.

From day one, I was determined to create something that would do justice to the site’s majestic beauty. With passion and enthusiasm, I committed myself to the design process – because without passion, design would be lacking. My passion as an architect, lies in creating not only visually stunning projects, but also ones that have a positive impact on the environment. This is why my latest creation is centered on sustainable and bioclimatic principles – it’s more than just a structure, it’s a harmonious relationship between nature and design.

first sketch Ourea
First design approach sketch

As I delved deeper into the project, I realized it was meant to humbly complement and elevate its natural splendor. With this realization, ideas poured out of me like a released dam, and the design for the glamping resort began to take shape.

I knew that using natural wood was essential for this site, so I focused on creating a structure that would seamlessly blend in with the surroundings. I reinforced the wood with steel, creating a dance between natural and man-made elements that added depth and intrigue to the scene.

ourea structural model
Structural design model
structural model Ourea
Structural design model
ourea structural design
Structural design process


The style of the design is a fusion of tropical contemporary and classical European influences, such as the French windows on the main building. It also incorporates Nordic architecture, known for its simplicity and connection to nature. Through this innovative approach, I aim to contribute to the thriving tropical architectural scene in Costa Rica.

Ourea main building South view
Main building South view rendering
ourea main building west view
Main building West view rendering
Main building elevations

The main building will serve as the social hub of the resort, housing the lobby, restaurant, pool area, bar, and administrative offices. A smaller, separate building will house the spa and gym, strategically placed closer to the glamping tents nestled in the canopies of native trees.

Spa&Gym building rendering
Sauna interior view
Spa room interior design
Spa&Gym building elevations

Throughout the development process, I have remained committed to responsible and sustainable practices. I recognize the importance of preserving the site’s natural resources and have taken great care to utilize them in the most efficient and respectful manner.


My design is centered on sustainable and bioclimatic principles, ensuring that it not only enhances the beauty of the site, but also works in harmony with the environment.


But sustainability is just one aspect of my design. Bioclimatic principles also play a crucial role in its construction. By studying the local climate and topography, I am able to integrate elements into the design that make it more energy-efficient and comfortable for its inhabitants. This ranges from natural ventilation and lighting, to the strategic positioning of windows and shading devices to maximize the use of natural light and reduce energy consumption.


It’s not just about creating a structure that looks good, but one that works in harmony with its surroundings and promotes a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle for its users. My goal is to create a space that not only enhances the beauty of the site, but also improves the quality of life for those who inhabit it.

interior design rendering for Ourea resort restaurant

This project is still under design process, stay tuned for more updates coming soon!

Learn more about tropical architecture on the following link

Embracing Nature:Tropical Architecture Design